Thursday, March 7, 2013

History presentation this Saturday

A email letter from local Representative Mike Sparks gives details on a free historical presentation you might want to attend. While the exploits of Sam Davis is relatively well known in the area, the actions of other locals are sometimes overlooked and overshadowed.

Saturday, March 9, 2013, 9-11AM: FREE HISTORY LESSON!!! 
Quick - who can tell about DeWitt Smith Jobe?  Dee Smith?  General Thomas Benton Smith?  Didn't think so. 
DeWitt Smith Jobe was a member of the famous Coleman Scouts.  DeWitt was captured, tortured (eyes gouged out, tongue cut out & dragged behind a horse) is one of the most amazing stories of the Civil War which happened here in Rutherford County.
The story doesn't end with DeWitt's horrific death by Union troops as his cousin, Dee Smith, also a Confederate soldier it is said he killed upwards of fifty Union soldiers as retribution for the death of his beloved cousin. 
Feel free to come listen Rutherford County's official historian Greg Tucker, former Smyrna High history teacher William McPeak, Sons of Confederate Veterans James Patterson, John Moore (a distant relative of DeWitt) and others will speak. 
The event is open to everyone at NO CHARGE! 
Many thanks to David Tucker, Al Anderson, Jonathon Fagan, Lori Barnard, Ashley North, Giles Creek Baptist and others for their help.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Mr. McPeak was a favorite teacher of mine - a fine storyteller who inspired me to listen, write and tell stories. Please say hello to him from me. If I was in the area, I would be there.

Anna Metcalf