Monday, December 19, 2005

Expansion of Rutherford County Blogger and Podcaster's Group

I'm so thankful to those that bravely came out to the first Smyrna, TN Blogger and Podcaster's Group Meeting. I can't help but be suprised by it. Over the course of the last three months, it has become clear that there is opportunity for growth.

Month two saw a change to the Rutherford County Blogger and Podcaster's Group after having such a good turnout from the LaVergne crowd.

Month three will now see a change of name to the Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster's Group so as to include our friends from neighboring counties.

Our monthly meetings are geared to be social interactions and learning opportunities. I'm not the most organized person in the world but I do have a mind that longs for new experiences and knowledge and so, it is my goal to bring you at least one new topic of discussion, if not only for five minutes, each meeting.

I hope going forward that the relationships we form in the newly named Middle Tennesse Blogger and Podcaster's Group will last for years to come and that we might actually work to help promote and educate one another in all areas of life.

I look forward to making new friends and reinforcing existing relationships at the next meet up on January 14th, 2:00 PM at Espresso Joe's in Smyrna, TN.

We can discuss other venues at that time.

Espresso Joe's Coffee Co is located at:
901 Rock Springs Rd.
Smyrna, TN

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