Monday, February 23, 2009

Viewing the changes

In what is a lovely turn of events the town of Smyrna has put online in full the changes they are going to be making to the subdivision regulations. One of my biggest gripes was the lack on knowledge and availability of the codes during the 2007 recodification debacle. Now they not only have it online, they have a copy online that shows the changes down to the specific word.

This image that you can click on shows how they are doing it.

They also have several PDF's of material so everyone can be up to date on the changes in full.
Subdivision Regs. Rough Draft
Subdivision Regs. draft
*Additional Proposed Changes
Summary of Proposed Amendments
The copy in the image is from the "Subdivision regs. Rough draft" that had a file titled "messy". Messy my foot. It showed the individual changes and is exactly what is needed in an open government.

This is a great step in the right direction and I'm glad to see it. Thanks Smyrna.

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