Friday, May 18, 2007

Dear Smyrna Government

Don't look to hard.

The next sections of the city codes that will be looked at includes the alcohol ordinances. I hope they don't do what Danville kentucky did.
No karaoke singing, and no dancing. It sounds like the movie "Footloose," and it could happen in Danville.

City officials are looking at the proposed ordinance, as part of a review of the city's alcohol policies. Some officials say the issue is when there is karaoke and dancing in restaurants, it creates crowds and more of a bar type atmosphere. They say it's not what the city wants.

At this point, it's only a proposal. Many residents say it's too harsh. At the same time, Danville officials are also considering allowing alcohol sales on Sunday.
I was disappointed when package sales were voted down.

With humor, I say I hope the city doesn't look to close to the city alcohol codes.

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