Monday, October 20, 2008

Slow down in planned growth

The last few years heralded the new comprehensive plan the town had put together. In March Mark O'Neal commented about the economy and its possible affect on the plan, an issue I worried about last year.
A while ago Mark O'Neal said that if the growth is not there, then the town will delay the plan till the city keeps up. No hammering ahead be-damned the numbers.
well it seems that parts of the plan may be deferred for the near future. The town council discussed this subject in the last town meeting they had.
Town Council members discussed postponing a portion of a $26.74 million bond this budget year until January 2010, for projects such as sidewalks and the development of Cedar Stone Park, the 80-acre community park for residents in the Almaville Road area.

Finance Director Mark Tucker said only $10 million of the bonds would be sold by the end of the year, with the additional portion to be sold at various other times.

However, due to market conditions, some projects may be put on hold or altered. For a week, some variable interest rates were higher than 9 percent.
I'm glad this is the approach they're taking. A hammer ahead be damned the economy is how a lot of municipalities end up with empty arenas and other projects. A sensible way to deal with the world going to pot.

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