Well good news people. I saw a lot of movement there today and thought to share it with you with pictures.
Seems the only movement there are the mallards swimming gently in the new shallow "Lake Smyrna". Soon to be a major waterfowl resting area. I wonder if I could get it classified as federally protected wetlands?
Welcome to the Federally Protected "Lake Smyrna." If you could pull that off, maybe we could also get the five remaining trees along Sam Ridley protected too.
Of course, once the economy collapses and LaVergne is plowed under and made into farmland again... perhaps the trees will start growing back amongst the crumbling remains of the strip malls we've been binge-building for the last few years.
...and by the way, cool picture!
I've been wondering about Smyrna Commons too. So I just did a Google search, and found this link. Might be old news to some, but I was surprised to see it:
It is short on details, but the artist's rendering makes it look lovely indeed. This would be a welcome addition to the community! Not looking forward to the traffic, however...
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