Monday, March 9, 2009

Not chicken Wednesday - A smile on my face

I recently was looking at some property that was cheap and my wife and I thought of purchasing it. After our agent showed us the property we drove off and did some running around town. We then decided to drive by again and look at the area a bit more.

The neighbor in the next house was out and we paused and talked to him/her. I asked how the neighborhood was and as we were talking I noticed in his/her backyard a small pen and 3 or so chickens in it. I smiled and exclaimed "you got chickens!". He/she put on a sheepish smile and said "yeah! A few". I told him/her I was also thinking of getting some chickens if we bought the property...if the neighbors did not mind because it was technically against codes.

He/she just smiled and said "I've had no complaints".

It makes me feel good to know that a certain amount of lawlessness is rampant in our town and being a good neighbor is not the same as following the regulations.


village farmer said...

How thats more like it. I seem to remember reading either in the state code or the town, that if you have the chickens (or any farm animals) for one year without complaint than your legal. I'm sure there is more to it than that, but its worth considering.

If you and your wife do buy the land, I can offer you all the help you can tolerate with the chickens and that garden you were talking about last year.

Anonymous said...

We kept two chickens that strayed into our yard two years ago. They are wonderful. They give us eggs and are like pets. We're going to get a few more soon. We let them roam the yard during the day when we are home and coop them up at night. Our neighbors never complain. Our neighbor beside us has 5 hunting dogs he keeps penned up all the time that bark constantly. Our chickens could never be the nuisance those dogs are. Of course, I don't have a rooster, and wouldn't for the crowing. I think chickens should be legal, for sure.