Saturday, March 14, 2009

Teachers have the tools.

As a homeowner and tax payer I know that my money is going for schools. I don't have children but know of many children that are in school and having trouble with grades.

My question is this: I have seen the websites that are given to teachers to let the students and parents know what is going on in the classroom each week. Well many teachers are not using the websites to let us know. I saw a teacher at one of the middle school at the start of this school year and this teacher had pictures posted of her daughter's wedding. Why are you using this site to post family pictures and not using it as it was meant to be. I talked with a parent recently and he stated that he talked with a vice principle of the school his child attends and stated that he knows the teachers are not using their websites as they should. If the tools are there for you to use to help the students then use it!

The parents of children who are struggling in school are not able to see what they can do to help their children or even do extra credit. Extra credit is not given unless it's needed is what was told by one parent recently. If a student is failing then why not give the child a chance to do extra credit?

On another note, if a child is doing poorly why not have a parent teacher confernce but on the report card it states none needed at this time? It seems to me that we need to hold the school system accountable since they are being paid by us!

I would love for you to comment and let me know your thoughts!


David The Good said...

Well said.

I really wish that those of us who choose not to use the public school system could have our taxes cut so we're not paying for it.

Accountability happens in a free market much better than it does in government. Bad choices are generally punished and good choices rewarded.

The school system is basically a unionized monopoly, and many of the people using it don't have to pay for it. It just leads to a big mess. Frustrating for kids, parents, teachers - and taxpayers.

David The Good said...

No, you're not racist. You just see things as they are and it makes you mad. Caring about our rights is a good thing!

Really, if it wasn't for all the crazy intervention by government and all the ridiculous requirements they put on us taxpayers... this might be a free country. As it is, we the workers and homeowners are stuck subsidizing people that don't pull their weight.

Don't get me wrong - I'm all for charity and helping people in need! I just think stealing from one person to pay for another is completely immoral.

If I know someone needs help - I'll help them! But don't take a chunk from my paycheck so someone else can get free daycare for their kids or free healthcare. I didn't choose to have their kids - I have my own to take care of!

Glad you posted.

mark said...

I just see that the school system is just thinking students are just numbers. push the thru and barely pass them. dont work with them. Other countries are far more educated than us. Japan they go to school all day come home for dinner then go back to class. I also think we need to close our borders for now and straighten out the mess we are in before we can let anyone else in. The sgt brought ideas to my mind I didnt even know was happening. I have blogged on topics like this before only to be called racist but it also shows that people that call other names are just childish!

Anonymous said...

I agree with both of you on most points. It's funny how those claiming they support "tolerance and diversity" are the first to scream racist if someone says they are opposed to illegal immigration. See, they want diversity of skin color, but not diversity of thought. Isn't that EXACTLY what MLK fought against?

I don't have a problem funding public schools, but I do think there is a problem when the cost per student is higher in public schools than private schools.

As far as extra credit, that is a slippery slope. Should a teacher offer extra credit to the student who goofs off in class and that's why he's failing? No. Should the teacher offer extra credit to the student who is always attentive and works hard but just struggles with the particular subject? Yes. The problem is you cannot offer it to one without offering it to all, so I believe that's why most teachers have done away with it. If I were a public school teacher I would probably just give everyone an A and let them do whatever they want between the bells. Nowadays teachers are the devil, these precious little angels couldn't possibly do anything wrong, just ask their parents.