Monday, October 17, 2011

Sheep'ish tale from old Smyrna

The last few historical articles I have posted were about the worst of human let's wet our taste buds with a funny tale from Smyrna and a sheared kink involved.

The first article is from the New York Tribune from June 25th 1883. You need to read the story to appreciate this one.

The "Fo' de Lawd's sake" is a bit much, but the tale has a lot to offer those who need a good laugh.

The next article is from the Dodge City Times (Dodge Kansas) dated August 30, 1883. This is pretty much a repeat of the first one. I'm surprised that such a story would get so far afield.

This last one goes into much detail, and avoids the 'colorful' language of the plow boys. This is from the Anderson Intelligencer dated Sept 21 1883.

This sounds like one of those family stories that start with "remember that time Uncle John sheared his sheep and..." and the family laughs over dinner. I know my family has some wild stories we bring up every once in a while for a good laugh.

Smyrna..Where men and men...and sheep wear clothing.

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