Good Monday people. I mean that as this weekend the news of a future bookstore for our town was announced. Books-A-Million will be one of the businesses established when the retail complex to the left of Lowes is finished.
Now to the business at hand.
The town government this week has three meetings planned.
Beer Board: September 8, 2008 - 7:00 PM
Project Assistance: September 9, 2008 -5:30PM
Next Town Council Meeting is: September 9, 2008 - 7:00 PM
While the Beer Board meeting agenda seems standard fare, the town council meeting starts off with a citizen comment by George Croft about Ordinance 15-605 section 1 of the town laws. This section deals with what is considered a motor vehicle. Section 605 deals with the town's control of what you can park on your property and where. Hopefully he will get a better reception then I did.
In local events we have a commemoration event scheduled
7th Annual Rutherford County Community Fair and 9-11 Memorial Event
September 11, 2008
Held at the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office, 940 New Salem Highway, Murfreesboro. Event is in remembrance of 9/11/01. Activities start at 4:00 p.m., Remembrance Ceremony at 5:00 p.m., Musical performances. Huge kids area with inflatables, petting zoo and games. Equipment displays by local Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, First Responders and the Military. Free admission and activities. Primary parking lot will be located at the Murfreesboro Auto Auction on Old Fort Parkway with a shuttle service provided by Rover. Contact: RCSO Community Service Unit, (615) 904-3018 or 904-3019
For those who have a taste for variety and food, then this event is for you.
Taste of Stones River
September 14, 2008
The Taste of Stones River is an annual event benefiting the United Way of Rutherford & Cannon counties. Everyone is welcome to this fun-filled family event. With over 40 restaurants participating, attendees will be able to sample signature dishes and beverages. In additional to the tasting, this second annual event will include entertainment by Blackman High School Band & Shannon Aplin as well as a kids area featuring face painting, inflatables, and cotton candy. 12 noon-5 pm, Come on out to enjoy yourself while helping your community! Contact: United Way, (615)893-7303
The BIG BIG BIG event of this week is the one here in Smyrna.
6th Annual Wings of Freedom Fish Fry
September 13, 2008
Held at the Smyrna Airport, 278 Doug Warpoole Road, Smyrna, 5:00 p.m., Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Smyrna. Contact: 615-459-2651
I went and enjoyed the one last year, but am not sure if I will be able to attend this one.
Well that is it for local events that I can find. If you have an event you want listed please drop me an email.